Finding Beauty in the Mess

Parenting young adults in a pandemic is both messy and beautiful.

Young adult children and teenagers are wonderful and they don’t always do things as you think they should.

They are just like all people.

And just like me.

I am wonderful and I don’t always do things as they think I should.

People and life are messy and it’s beautiful.

When you remember that others, even when they are your children, get to make their own decisions.

Decisions that are usually not about you.

It is what it is.

It’s exactly as it is supposed to be.

You can accept it and not like it.

It’s ok.

What’s in your control is:

what you chose to think about their decisions.

what ythou decide to say and what you decide to do.

I like to ask myself-

What would love do?

What would compassion do?

What do I want to do?

Not what do I think I should want to do.

Or what do I want them to do.

But what I actually want to do.

My answer this week is want to be mindful and intentional.

Intentionally show up,

authentically and with love.

Without judgment.

Accept and allow

Take deep breaths.

Be curious.

And show grace and compassion for me and for them.

From here , it’s much easier to find humor, love, and connection.


Sometimes Cranky Is Needed


What we have this today is what we have AND we have possibilities left