Sometimes Cranky Is Needed

Yesterday I got my own coaching.

The suggestion was to "own and allow being cranky."

Sometimes cranky is what is needed.

After that, my day improved.

Now I am back on track by accepting and allowing and working on mindful presence.

Sometimes not fixing and just mindfully and gently being in the mess and the crank is the answer.

That’s where peace and beauty come.

When I just allowed myself to feel all the frustration and crankiness- I found more ease and space despite the mess.

For those of you who are seeing the mess and perhaps not quite appreciating its beauty right now —I wanted to share an edited version of an offering about Mindful Presence I wrote a few months ago.

Mindful Presence:

I used to see parenting as a lot of work.

And I “worked” at my marriage.

I saw my job as a physician as hard.

Lots to do.

Lots to fix.

Needed changes to make.

Things to improve.

I rarely, if ever, paused and was present.

I would look ahead and behind- all the time.

And editorialize, plan, solve, and improve.

As a type-A high achiever, I was well trained and rewarded for living like this.

It served me well as an ongoing improvement tool.

It isn’t so great if you want to be healthy and enjoy and not miss the moments of life.

“It’s not the number of breaths but the number of moments that take your breath away”-- says Maya Angelou.

My high expectations for everyone and everything in my life - vacations, my children, holidays, date night... kept me busy and distracted. Not fully experiencing the moments.

I used to think it was my job to influence outcomes.

I put so much effort, energy, and love into everything, I was often disappointed that the outcomes didn’t always reflect my effort.

I spent time trying to control things that were out of my control,

rather than investing my time in the things I can control.

Mindfulness and coaching have changed this.

Mindful presence changes everything.

I enjoy the journey more.

What’s important is still getting done.

There is more energy and time for connection and forward movement.

With space, magical things start to emerge and happen.

With presence, you get to notice and experience life.

The good and the bad.

The beauty and the struggle.

The beauty is in the struggle.

When you don’t resist and stop adding unnecessary struggle to the bumps in the road, you can see the beauty in the mess.


I have learned I can stop trying to fix everything for everyone.

But because I am human, I sometimes forget.

This week, I am reminded that sometimes we even need to stop “fixing” ourselves.

If you want help with this in your life. I got you just let me know.


Finding "Groundedness" in the current "Groundlessness"


Finding Beauty in the Mess