What this coaching stuff is all about

Wondering what this coaching stuff is all about?

Sharing a clients end of coaching reflection to inspire.

Who were you when you started coaching 3 month ago?

“I was a consumer of self-help but hadn't applied it to my daily life - I only knew the concepts intellectually.

I was someone seeking clarity and direction, because my life didn't seem to make sense - I had everything I had worked hard to gain but I couldn't appreciate it.

I felt restless, directionless, and unproductive.

And I blamed my circumstances for those feelings -

blamed my husband for being an obstacle to meeting my financial goals, blamed my ADD for my perceived under-performance at work,

and thought that I needed to leave medicine to rekindle any sort of passion or love of work.”

Who are you now?

“I am someone who is hopeful, learning, curious, more self-aware

I have discovered a love of the process more than the goal.

I've become more patient, kinder, more resilient, and more intentional. Less reactive and hot-headed.

My relationship with my husband is better (not quite to the same level as when we were first dating, but it's a work in progress) and I no longer think of him as a "barrier" to my goals- I feel more partnered with him.

I have learned to let go of the grasping and need to reach the end result of my goals and appreciate the small victories that I make along the way towards those goals.”

She is an example of what is possible.

As am I.

And you could be too.

Coaching is an investment.

An investment in you and your “one wild and precious life”

It’s work.

It takes courage.

And it’s so worth it.

For you and everyone in your circle.

Everyone’s story is unique.

Every input is different and every output is different.

Bearing witness to the transformations is humbling and magical.


A "Want To Do" List


Relationships are a Long Game