Relationships are a Long Game

We are all imperfect humans.

Our own behavior is all that is in our control.

Mindful relationships are about being intentional about this.

Pausing and being present.

Breathing deeply.

Paying attention.

Accepting and allowing.

It is an unusual time right now with lots of uncertainty and challenge for all.

Accepting your loved ones as they are and you as you are — with “grace and compassion” is key.

We are all imperfect and “a work in progress.”

“When we fight reality we lose 100% time. “

Frustration, screens, Covid, and perhaps ADHD and other issues are part of our reality right now.

We don’t have to like them but resisting their existence doesn’t help.

Validating the feelings of others including anxiety, stress, fear, anger, and disappointment- rather than trying to fixing them is a gift.

Validating our own feelings and struggles is also a gift.

Whats in our control is being intentional.

About cleaning up our own mental clutter.

Choosing how we want to feel about the situation.

What am I making their behavior mean?

Could their behavior mean something else?

We can choose to take a stand for who we want to be in our relationships.

We can choose to be mindful, intentional and someone we are proud of.

We can show up with love and compassion.

We can model vulnerability and problem solving.

We can create space.

We can be curious.

Focusing on curiosity instead of the “shoulds" helps me stay connected.

How are your loved ones- teens and young adults included- "Just like You"?

We all want to be heard, accepted, supported, loved, and safe.


What this coaching stuff is all about


Mindful Presence