Letting Go

Often we think that holding on makes us strong. Very often it is letting go that allows our most radiant and empowered self to emerge.

“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward you need to let go of the past that drags you down.”

What do you need to let go of?

Stories you tell yourself about events of the past that don’t serve you? Who could you be without these stories? What could happen if you put the heavy backpack down?

Who could you be without the drama of unmet expectations of others?

Who could you be if the myriad of “problems” were no longer problem weighing you down just decisions to be made, events to go to, things to do?

Who could you be without the self judgement?

Without the should haves?

Letting go allows you to find calm, lightness, and peace without anything or anyone else actually changing.

Do it for you.


A Mindful Reflection


Who knows what tomorrow will bring