Who knows what tomorrow will bring

Life has been happening “to” so many of us for a long time.

We have been rushing through our lives without pausing or being present.

Often feeling “victimized” by external circumstances. Struggling because of COVID, our jobs, our bosses, our spouses, work from home, no school, our teens.

Reacting to things outside of our control.


In 2020, we have all been forced to change and be more intentional. With all our actions.

This process takes mindfulness and awareness.

It takes noticing and feeling.

Seeing your own mind. It is uncomfortable.

And not our usual pattern or habit.

There is no better time than now to change our reactive habits and take ownership and responsibility for our experience of this moment in time. Choose our choices. All of them.


Because it is better for us.

Because it gives us back our control.

There is much anticipation and realism around the marked increase in mental health disorders — now and likely to follow the experience of this pandemic.

When you take ownership for your current experience—- even when it includes mental health struggles, COVID, others not behaving “well” or as you think they should — you get your control back. And it feels better.

When your circumstances, or other people, are not the villain, you are no longer a victim.

Mindfulness, presence, and taking responsibility for your own experience is the path to peace, hope, love, connection and fulfillment.

I encourage you to try it.

If you are struggling with it, reach out.


Letting Go


It's Possible