Do More of What You Love

When you find something you love, that energizes you and nourishes you, why not do more of it?

It could be viewed as indulgent, or it could be viewed as minimalist. Either way, it’s luxurious.

Doing more of what you love is another simple strategy to embark on a life better-lived.

It’s a “low-hanging fruit” that I see so many people miss out on in life.

I used to always search for better and/or the next up-level. In trying not to miss out, I missed out. I witness so many others with this same pattern also.

What if you could trust that what you love is fantastic, perfect, and exactly what you specifically need?

Why short yourself the pleasure of doing more of what you love by not trusting yourself and looking for more?

When you allow yourself to do more of what you love, you get the space and energy you need to make the massive inner shifts you are so wanting and needing.

I am currently on vacation. Today I gave myself permission to go back to the exact same beach at the same time of day as yesterday. I loved it both times. It was exactly what I wanted.

In my family growing up, we wouldn’t have done that. We would always try a different beach so as not to miss discovering anything we might also like. My high achiever brain still defaults to that thinking without attention and intention to living and choosing my actions more mindfully.

Last night I also went back to the same restaurant and ate the same fabulous fish dish I loved the day before - it brought me joy and nourished me.

I have a local dress shop I love. I keep buying things from Lesley and they keep making me happy.

I also keep working with the same coach. I love the experience. It is perfect for me right now. She helps me tap into my highest energy. I am trusting myself to know when and if I need something different.

Interestingly, I notice that 95% of my clients also choose to continue coaching with me ongoing. Often we grow and evolve more fully in spaces we love.

The secret to knowing what you love, trusting it, giving yourself permission to do it and enjoy it, is mindful coaching. It teaches you how to listen to your heart and to trust it.

It teaches you to know when you love something.

Mindful coaching gives you permission to keep taking care of yourself in ways that you love, doing things you love, and also to stop doing things you don’t love.

If you happen to be in a spot where you are not doing what you love,

you are no longer doing what you love,

or you would love something new or different

-- that is when you “should” make a change.

And please note loving something is different than liking or tolerating. Those require totally different responses and actions.


Advice From a Thriving Young Adult


Waiting Means Waiting to Feel Better