Waiting Means Waiting to Feel Better

“It’s not the right time”

“I don’t have enough time”

“ I don’t have the bandwidth right now”

Now I know— when you feel too busy and when everything feels out of control and overwhelming is exactly when you need to do this work.

How do I know? b

Because I said all this- and more- for years before I took a leap of faith and got help from a coach. I knew about coaching during these years but I was busy and overwhelmed and stuck and hopeful I could be frugal and figure it out myself.

Waiting and delaying meant I waited to feel better.

I waited to discover clarity.

And I waited to start living and loving more fully.

The same is true for mindfulness and yoga.

Exactly when you think you don’t have time to do mindfulness is when you need it the most.

When you don’t have time or energy to do yoga is when it helps the most.

It will always seem like there will be a better time. And that you don’t have time.

What I discovered in this journey is that I and my brain are the best investment possible.

And that when it feels too overwhelming and scary to commit to coaching is when you most need to prioritize your life and well-being and commit to it.

Maybe you can figure it out on your own but the cost is high in terms of efficiency, time, energy, and missed opportunity.


Personalized and effective mindset tools and strategies were a better investment for me than almost anything I have ever spent money on.

My personal journey has been worth so much more than I paid for it. “Priceless” as the old Visa commercial used to say.

Your brain is your most valuable asset. Having the tools to use it “for you” rather than against you - is invaluable. You waste less time, you see more clearly, and you show up as a much better and more aligned version of yourself.

So if you also happen to be someone who ruminates, feels anxious, and spins in confusion when it comes to investing in yourself, don’t write off the costs of indecision and waiting.

When you stop struggling about struggling you will stop spending so much money on stuff, and experiences, to feel better. You will already feel better.

Don’t wait for a better time. The energetic costs of indecision, stress, lack of connection with those you love, and confusion about your path forward are huge.

Now is the best time to start feeling better and prioritizing yourself.

The only better time would have been before.


Do More of What You Love


Practicing What I Preach