Practicing What I Preach

A few years ago I started taking 1:1 trips with each of my sons.

Highly recommend it as a chance to get truly get to know each other as humans without the noise.

Lots of versions of a trip with my middle son were discussed and rescheduled and/or never happened over the past few years because of covid and other reasons. A few weeks ago, I stepped into my intentions for 2022- luxurious, trusting, and truly living and decided on a whim to go on a trip with him.

Despite everything else going on in the world this was the perfect timing for us to reset, replenish, and reconnect.

This trip is the opposite of a “hard reset”. It’s a soft, lovely, and fun reset.

Having just finished facilitating the Parent with Presence small group coaching program, I am practicing what I preach. Parenting with presence

“Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to come back”- Dali Lama

“Motherhood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, not the child you thought you would have. It’s about understanding he is exactly who he is supposed to be, and if you are lucky he might be the teacher who turns you into the person you are supposed to be.”

“find the time to… really be with a person you love… and even to do nothing for a while.”

Light posts for parenting at any age.

Please know that we were vaccinated, boosted, and masked for the journey.

“Let love become the next dominant variant.”

**For those of you who join me for Livestream yoga- there will be no yoga this weekend for the reasons above,.


Waiting Means Waiting to Feel Better


Make Yourself Happy to Get Things Done