Ending Well is Beginning Well


Looking at how far you’ve come is a powerful practice.

Notice how far you traveled, what things you learned, how you grew, loved, and lived.

How much you laughed. How many times you smiled. The hugs you enjoyed.

The great music you heard. The sunrises and sunsets you enjoyed.

We often end things with good riddance - looking forward to better.

Focusing on a fresh start and who we want to become.

Before that it’s worth it to pause and be present.

And take stock.

Enjoy the memories and the beauty.

Appreciate, enjoy, and acknowledge.

Not as toxic positivity.

Not as gratitude.

But as noticing, celebrating, and feeling proud honored, and touched.

Be proud and take ownership of what went well.

Take a moment to also notice where you faltered and practice kindness and compassion for it.

Perhaps tell a neutral story. Of course, you faltered along the way.

And then go back to re-experiencing and appreciating the wonder.

Ending well is a way of beginning well. It is an honoring of what has been, what is, and what will be.

It is part of embracing the transition and transitioning well.

What have you accomplished?

What are you proud of?

What makes you feel alive?

What do you believe now that you didn't believe before?

What relationships have you created, honored, and strengthened?


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