
Creating beauty was one of my intentions for 2020.

Little did I know what 2020 would look like.

And yet, to be able to help others enjoy life and show up as the light that is them for our broken world is beautiful.

I am honored and lucky to be able to help others along their paths to more beauty.

“When I started in May, I was anxious, unsettled and unhappy with my job as I was seeking perfection (because that was the "responsible" thing to do). But since working with you, almost immediately I am calmer, more relaxed not only about work but in my relationships as well. I get to decide how I want to feel not how people make me feel.”

“Nothing seems overwhelming, everything is "manageable".

“The biggest message is abundance - I am abundant in so many ways and to remember to pause and be present, taking a minute to reflect is life changing and I'm looking forward to the journey.”

“As you've said, there has to be a silver lining in COVID and this may have just been it for me.

Forever grateful.”

I am grateful also.




Almost Everything Will Work Again If You Unplug it For a Few Minutes