Healthy Love Requires Curiosity


I coach a lot on marriages- neurodiverse ones and neurotypical ones.

All marriages - and all loving relationships —benefit tremendously from mindful curiosity.

Neurodiverse marriages are often described as troublesome. They are actually just diverse.

All marriages are actually diverse.

And all long marriages go through seasons of struggle.

When my marriage has gotten into trouble over the years, it hasn’t been when someone has been sick or struggling.

It hasn’t been when we haven't agreed or something “bad” has happened.

In fact, those things often have brought us (and others I work with) together.

Where we, and others, get into trouble is when one of us stops showing up with curiosity.

Curiosity is a main tenet in mindfulness.

It is key to healthy love.


Lessons from Cassette Recorders


Filling Cracks and Flaws with Gold