Luxurious Lunches

I eat intuitively and luxuriously.

When choosing what and where to eat, I focus on nourishment for all the senses. I eat as an act of kindness to myself. I set an intention to eat a “luxurious lunch” every day. A luxurious lunch is not rushed, fresh, healthy nourishing food that tastes good eaten in the sunshine, or at a warm table with silverware and a napkin if there is no sunshine.

When eating is approached luxuriously and an experience to enjoy- it becomes an act of love. When calories, specific nutrients, plans, accountability, and what you look like, aren’t part of the equation, the choices you make and the results are very different.

I lost 50 pounds about 4 years ago when I discovered mindfulness and coaching. It's happened by choosing to eat mindfully, simply, easefully, and with love.

Mindfulness and coaching together helped me be kind to myself, learn to truly listen to my body and my heart, and eat from a place of kindness and alignment

I did not change my eating to be thinner or to lose weight - I did it to "feel better" and live in alignment with my values.

Full disclosure- during COVID I have gained about 20 pounds of it back. (Not really sure about the number because I don't have a working scale.)

And I am still happy with where I am today- covid pounds and all. My eating decisions are still focused on feeling good- which for me comes from feeling healthy, light and nimble, and able to do the things that bring me joy with my body- such as yoga, walking on the beach, and hiking beautiful mosiac stairs.

I wish you all simplicity, clarity, and alignment about eating. When you focus on what you eat, where you eat, and how you eat, eating can be joyful and easeful.

If you haven’t listened to episode 58 of the Mindful Healers Podcast yet - Change Your Relationship with Food. I highly recommend it. I also strongly encourage you to consider 1:1 coaching. It can change your eating, your health, and bring back joy and ease in all parts of your life.

May you all be happy, be healthy, and eat well.


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