Redefining “Balance”

In our culture, balance is often associated with stress. It is about tension between two opposing forces,

life vs work,

family time vs alone time

this VS. that,

yes to one thing, no to another.

requiring boundaries, walls, and self-protection.

Yoga, mindfulness, and coaching have led me to redefine balance.

Balance can feel peaceful, easeful and open.

Balance can be an act of love.

An opportunity to create beauty and harmony.

The “100’s of competing pressures” and tasks of life can be approached with kindness, love, and compassion.

Dictionary definitions of balance include words such as grace and equanimity-

“to keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall”

“remain upright and steady”





an emotionally and mentally stable mind.

In yoga, we encourage “relaxing in” when practicing a difficult balance pose.

We encourage you to stop resisting the tips and wobbles and instead welcome them with humor and love.

Notice all that you can do.

Notice that the adjustments needed are often slight.

That balance requires letting go and softening and BREATHING.

Balance requires strength, especially core strength.

It also builds strength, especially core strength.

When we find balance there is ease and joy. And then there is a wobble.

When we breathe, connect with our inner strength, relax in, and adjust slightly- we find balance again.

I would love to help you start approaching life this way. Ease and joy amidst wobbles.

I have a few openings for 1:1 coaching. Core strength, letting go, softening, breathing, grace, equanimity, steadiness, and feeling stable is on the other side.

Find out more and schedule a consult on the work with me page on my website.


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