The Best Valentines Gift

The quality of our relationships is one of the most important factors contributing to our health and happiness.

When our relationships work, everything, including your health is better.

Mindfulness and mindset work helped me shift the way I approached ALL my relationships- my marriage, my parenting, with my own parents, and with my patients, colleagues and friends.

I learned to stop waiting for the storm to pass and instead “dance in the rain”

I learned how to show up present and calm with compassion, positivity, intention, and love

even with storms all around.

I was able to let go of resentment, irritability, frustration, and resistance.

When I started this journey - I had a struggling spouse, 3 young adult/teenagers, including one with ADHD.

I was a mid-career doctor and physician leader practicing in a US healthcare system needing A LOT of fixing.

Coaching, yoga, and mindfulness helped me find spaciousness, calmness, and start breathing more deeply.

From there, I was able to take ownership of how I showed up for my loved ones.

When I changed myself, everything improved tremendouly.

And when I focused on what I could control-- ME,

I was able to show up with calm, ease, clarity, and love.

I wish this for all of you and your loved ones.

"Storms" are all around all of us all the time.

Inside our homes, outside our homes.

The presence of storms has never been more clear than now.

Our relationships exist in the midst of these storms --and can't be put on hold for them.

Relationships are a journey in and of themselves.

Even the most amazing relationships are not easy.

What if you could show up for your spouse, your kids, your parents, and even your in-laws

without anger, without resentment?

This work is my passion because life is so much better when you integrate these tools into your life.

I would love to have you join me on this journey.

Choosing to do this work is the absolute best Valentine's gift you can give to yourself.


What is the lifetime value of improving your relationships?


Redefining “Balance”