Make Decisions From Your “Highest-Wisest” Self

Decision-making is a learned skill that is heavily influenced by unhelpful thought patterns.

Fear of making a mistake, catastrophizing, guilt, blame, shame, fear of rejection or disappointing others all play heavily in most of our decision-making

What if you made decisions with your highest-wisest self as a consultant?

Does your highest-wisest self recommend you pause? Rest? Start something? Take action?

Quit? Stay?

Your highest-wisest self would likely recommend you sign up for coaching or go on a retreat.


Coaching and retreats will help you reconnect to your highest-wisest self.

This connection will help you make all the other decisions - big and small that you have not been making.

Indecision is expensive. Inaction is also.

Your highest wisest self helps you decide and move forward with clarity and trust.

Your highest wisest self doesn’t catastrophize, focus on scarcity, mistrust, or second guess.

Your highest-wisest self knows what will lead you to feel more aligned, peaceful, present, and fulfilled.

She makes the best decision she can at the moment with the information she has. She has her own back so she goes all in on that decision and makes it the best decision.


Be a Love Letter


You Don’t Need More Information You Need Transformation