Mama Bear

Being a "Mama Bear" who shows up with love, compassion, presence, acceptance and connection rather than trying to control everything around me really is so much easier.  

Even, and especially, in the world today.


I am an example of what is possible. 

Equanimity, mindfulness and gratitude are an unbeatable approach to this moment of pandemics, uncertainty, relationships, illness, parenting, career transitions …….


Calm takes much less energy than anxiety.

Allowing takes much less energy than resisting.

Acceptance of others and the world exactly as they are, eases your journey.  


Free pass to not like things.  I am not happy about covid, racial injustice, people not wearing masks, and many, many other things…..

But when I allow life as it is and don’t resist reality,  I can use my energy to make positive change rather than feel exhausted and drained.

My role and passion in life right now is to help others feel better and learn to stop struggling so much --no matter what comes their way in life.

 It’s possible to change your worry gene

It's possible to stop feeling inconsequential, exhausted, drained, on edge, and disconnected

It's possible to feel less angry, frustrated and irritable.


Mindful coaching can help you-- just like it has helped me.

I would never have believed that I could show up in a pandemic, with my child infected and ill, another child exposed, running my own business, married to someone who is very different than I and who has his own issues and struggles, with elderly high-risk parents and a new nephew soon to arrive…... And feel equanimity, connection, love, compassion, gratitude, and acceptance.  


I would have said it wasn't possible and yet -- the change is mind blowing.  

I have been known to think just like many of you-- “it's possible for someone else but not for me.”  And yet here I am. 

I know I am not a zebra because I have helped many others make similar transformations.   

Mental freedom, clarity, and inner peace are possible in the midst of this uncertain and chaotic world.  Even when the reality hits home.   

Reach out if you want to be an example of what is possible.



Make Your Whole Well


Equanimity, Mindfulness, and Gratitude