More Transitions

A few months ago, I wrote about transitions as we moved into spring. Life is full of transitions. My intention then and my invitation to all of you was to focus on pausing and being present for the transitions.

I have been deliberately noticing and experiencing transitions since then. Wow it has been quite a ride. Full spectrum living on steroids.

As a pediatrician, physician, parent and relationship coach, mom of 3 teens/young adults and yoga teacher, with a pandemic in our midst, it turns out my entire life has been transitions since February 20th.

In the past few months there have been major transitions in my career --after 20 years working for the same HMO on February 20th I made a change. This decision was made before COVIDs arrival. So in the midst of a pandemic, I started a new career and my own business as a mindful coach. Coronavirus created more opportunity and more challenge. I have been exploring opportunities to combo pediatrics and coaching through start ups and private practice all while medicine is changing daily. I have become a writer, a blogger, and an online facilitator, speaker, and teacher. Many of you have joined me for zoom yoga, mindful parent and relationship coaching, and 1:1 coaching. In the midst of shelter in place, we have transitioned from a family of 4, to a family of 6, back to 5 and now, to a family of 3. We have had children home from college, and children and partners launch onto lives of their own.

And yet tonight, all is still. The earth is still spinning. The ground is firm and steady. On the eve of summer as I see Memorial Day weekend, this "Mama Bear," is pausing again, being present, observing without judgement, allowing herself to feel all the feels-- a sense of accomplishment and a little regret, some excitement at the space and calm and cleanliness of a less crowded house. Sadness and happiness, reflecting on the past, excited about the future.

The past few months have involved a lot of discomfort, compassion, connection, love, flexibility, personal growth, deep breathing, and a lot of intentional mindfulness. I have intentionally, and perhaps by necessity, grown my ability to accept and allow. Be curious. Breathe deeply. Be courageous. Be calm. Be mindful. Notice. And be intentional.

As a yoga teacher, when you don’t pay attention to teaching the transitions, the outcomes of the yoga poses are discombobulated.

Coaching helps you pay attention to and navigate the transitions in life. To allow the full spectrum of experience and emotion. To accept the good and not resist the hard. I am grateful to have had my coaching tools and training as light-posts to guide me along this crazy journey of these past few months.

The past few months have been unusual and interesting. They are also just "life." I can't wait to see what is up next.

This was my previous blog post on transitions if you missed it.


Finding the Joy


The Art of Receiving