Finding the Joy

Over the last few months I have been coaching a beautiful woman in her early 70's who was experiencing anxiety related to COVID19.

Last week she shared with me a thought.

“I was really focused on what could go wrong but now I have a sense of time slowing down. I am not projecting in the future. I am just living day to day and finding the joys in it."

The essence of pausing and being present. A mindful mindset can bring calm and even joy in a pandemic. It isn't a panacea. The fears and uncertainty still pop up for all of us. But when you slow down and focus on the present moment, the beauty pops. For her, it was in her garden and in the birds singing.

This is my why of mindful coaching.

It is possible to learn this and change, even in a pandemic, even when you are high risk and in your 70's.

Wherever you are in life, why not start now? Slow down, pause and focus on the present.


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