Want What You Have

What is possible if you want what you have?

Will it lead to complacency or will it lead expansiveness and growth?

So many of us have trouble feeling contentment and joy, because we want what we do not have. We notice what we lack. We notice how we not enough. And we notice all the things happening to us that are out of our control.

Remember when you wanted what you have today? To be a doctor, or a college graduate or to have good job. Or to be a mom, a wife, to have more time at home, more time with your kids, for it to be early summer, to have the exact shoes on your feet.

And now you want something else….always striving and looking ahead.

We often want our kids, our spouses, our parents, our colleagues, and our patients to behave or think differently. We want our kids to be little again or potty trained already. To be independent and self sufficient… We want a newer, better, different color of shoes…. These wants are our natural human brain unmanaged.

What if it didn't have to be this way?

I have learned that when I pause and am present and do the intentional work of training my mind to choose acceptance of what is, I feel satisfaction and ease.

Does accepting things as they are mean I will become or am complacent or lazy?

Does it mean I like all of it?

For me it does not.

And for you it doesn't have to either.

I notice that wanting what I have and accepting what it creates space, energy, and expansiveness.

It creates clarity and confidence.

And energy and strength to move forward and grow.

When I stopped pushing and driving myself through scarcity mindset and not enough-ness, my path forward became much more clear. What was authentic and meaningful rose to the surface and propelled me forward.

Finding contentment and joy lead you to create more contentment and more joy.


Love, Breath, and Mindfulness


Finding the Joy