See Yourself the Way Others See You


My first automatic, habitual thought when I look at myself in the mirror, in a photo, or even on the zoom screen is not always kind.

Mindfulness and coaching have led to a considerable upgrade of these thoughts.

Inspired by the mindful self-compassion offering of treating yourself like a good friend,

I have recently started to think about my appearance in photos and in the mirror in a different way.


I ask myself how others see me?

What would they say?

They usually notice and point out something good.

They are sometimes even jealous.

Spouses, friends, and even strangers don’t see us as fat, old, ugly, tired, wrinkly, boring or ….

They generally don’t think or say mean things.

We do that all on our own.

As many of you know my husband and/or son have taken most of my recent yoga photos and headshots for my business.

What I love about these “family photos” is that I see in their different styles, what they see in me.

Seeing yourself the way others see you is a different twist on treating yourself like a friend.

What might shift if you started to see yourself like others see you?

What might become possible?

If you want help making this mindset shift- I can help. It was life-changing for me.


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