What Did Mary Oliver do with her one wild and precious life?

She strolled idly through the fields noticing.

Her poem is often used to suggest that we should be doing more and achieving more.

Consider whether this is truly how you want to live your one and precious life.

Is this a habit and a way of distracting yourself from being, feeling, and truly connecting with yourself, others and nature?

What if you paused and were present






and mindful enjoying the fields, gardens, and nature?

Might this ultimately bring you the peace, joy, love, and contentment you so desire?

It’s not as easy as it sounds.

When you learn how and move beyond the discomfort of the unfamiliar, it is truly the most “wild and precious” gift.

It’s why I do mindful coaching and I named my business Pause and Presence.

Helping others step off the hamster wheel of life and start figuring out how they really truly want to live their one wild and precious life is pure magic.

Life is short, and also long. Don’t keep waiting and hoping for a better time or things to just change.

Start by starting.

Reach out and let’s get you started truly living this one wild and precious life.


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