Change Your Relationship With Money

Last July I was asked in a coaching session for me- how I felt when I thought about money?

Yes, I get still get coaching. Not because I am “broken” or “it hasn’t worked” but because I want to continue to grow and evolve into the best most loving and impactful human I can possibly be. And coaching helps me get there. It continues to change my life for the better every single day. This blog will share yet another example of that.

My answer to this question in July 2021 was “shame, small, anxiety, fear, stress.” That was hard to write and was hard to feel.

That day, I realized that I felt bad whether I had money or didn’t. Was earning it or wasn’t. If I was given it or I gave it away. If I saved it or spent it.

I know I am not alone in this- when I asked this same question in Ongoing Presence - a few of the answers I got were - irresponsible, fear, guilt, nervous, stupid, confused, ignorant, thankful, lack, uneducated ambivalent.

I was also asked how I want to feel about money. My answers- fun, ease, relaxed, abundant, safe- were quite far from where I was.

I clearly had to delve into my relationship with money so I could move closer to where I wanted to be. Humble, transparently, and vulnerably are how I like to show up — so I will share that I am not yet where I want to be. But I am much, much, much closer. I am focusing on the gain, not the gap.

I have come a long way. Mindfulness, compassion, and a heart-centered approach are the way to healing and forward movement on this topic.

My money journey is a big one and a long one. Many many blogs and podcasts worth of learnings.

The first key message — it can’t be rushed.

So stop here,

pause and be present,

and think mindfully about your relationship with money.

The first step is awareness.

What are your feelings about money now?

Does even the word “money” cause you stress?

Notice judgment of your actions thus far, level of knowledge, or bank account numbers.

With grace and compassion.

What you don’t see you can’t change.

Be kind.

Practice hand-to-heart.

Sit with it.

Shame, blame, and guilt release cortisol- with this circulating we don’t learn to shift and change “well”, if at all.

This is why you need support for the journey.

If this is an area of stress or sympathomimetic overdrive for you, reach out.

If you are a previous woman physician client, consider joining me for Ongoing Presence in April. We will be exploring heart-centered money coaching in several of the upcoming group sessions.

You won’t want to miss it.


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