Create a Life Roomy Enough to Live In

Most of us haven't done this very well.

Our lives work ok when everything lines up just right. But when anything goes awry, they aren’t roomy enough.

Unfortunately, things pretty much always go awry. This is a constant.

What happens then we are all familiar with.

We show up stressed and reactive - not our best selves.

There is no room to breathe or to be, and a cascade of stress and its consequences begins.

A luxurious life is one that is “roomy enough to live in.”

It is simple, it is aligned.

It has room to be and breathe and connect and love and enjoy.

It is not full of mind chatter, mind clutter, and stuff.

I help people create a life roomy enough to live in.

Decluttering and minimalism are key.

Both emotional and physical decluttering.

we waste so much time, energy, and money on what is not important.

Simplifying, lightening, lessening.

Keeping only what is aligned and meaningful and letting go of what’s not.

Getting quiet enough to listen - to heart, body, and mind.

Being curious and creative.

It feels amazing to have a life roomy enough to live in.

With room in your closet and your life, to pause, and choose what feels good.

Room to dream and to reflect and to enjoy all that you have worked so hard to create.

In the spirit of spring cleaning, how might you create a life roomy enough to live in?

It’s much easier with a guide. And I am here to help.


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