“Should” Is Expensive


The word “should” is SO SO costly.

Emotionally if nothing else.

And yet its our default word.

We should.

They should.

It should….

Should is resistance

of reality.

“Should” creates turbulence. Tension. Wasted energy.

When it comes to others - individuals or systems-

what if you could change “they should” to acceptance.

Accepting and allowing, or accepting and “wishing it” were different,

accepting but not liking,

accepting and being sad,

even accepting and being angry,

All are much less costly than thinking things and others “should” be different.

When it comes to you,

“ I should”, “I need to” and “I have to”

is also a very expensive way to move through the world.

What if you changed “I should” to:

I want to.

I get to.

I choose to?

These words are light, simple, and even empowering.

Shifting away from a life of shoulds is liberating.

And hard to do.

The “should” habit is deeply engrained.

Mindfulness and coaching help you change and create a life that is light, spacious, simple and empowered.


True Transformation Doesn’t Happen Piecemeal

