True Transformation Doesn’t Happen Piecemeal


True transformation flows best from full immersion

It’s like a marinade.

Or the cooking process.

Full immersion in the marinade and/or the heat

transforms the ingredients into something different,

and usually much better.

What if you applied this concept to your life?

Mindful coaching is about healing, growing, and awakening your cells, mind, and heart.

It’s not just changing your mindset.

Coming alive and finding more joy, love, connection, and purpose requires a full body shift.

Sustainably getting rid of clutter, the drama, the life blocks, and old unhelpful patterns happens most easefully when you are relaxed. When your body is releasing cortisol, is in “fight or flight” or feels threatened it’s hard to see creative solutions, be curious and pause and be present.

Mindful coaching is not just about transforming mindset.

Mindset coaching in isolation isn't nearly as effective.

When you also soften your heart and stretch and strengthen your body is when meaningful, sustained and truly transformative change occurs.

Sustained change requires neurological reprogramming of habitual thought patterns, triggers, and literally cellular blocks and patterns. 

Balancing of the nervous system - up-leveling your parasympathetic nervous system and lessening the overworked sympathomimetic system creates a safe space for inner shifting,

Fear and stress are not the best “marinade” for change and growth.

Sustained change and growth require heart softening and the infusion of compassion and kindness.

Diastole and full deep breaths are key.

This is why I offer all that I do at Pause & Presence.

Multiple synergistic modalities all work in concert to help you achieve the best results. I offer full support in all the ways. 

I am often told that clients hear me in their heads. 

Many also do yoga, and/or listen to my podcasts, and/or come to retreats. 

They learn to practice mindfulness and start spending more mindful time being in nature.

None of these a required but they each bring added benefit.

You also don’t usually change one part of your life in isolation.

Getting coaching piecemeal on one topic doesn’t make sense.

We bring our brain, our hearts, and our nervous system everywhere we go.

This is why to me “niches” don’t make sense.

The messaging is that you need a different expert/coach for everything- money, parenting, intimacy, sex, marriages, burnout, work, exercise.

I see it differently.  

You are not a doctor, dentist, or lawyer in isolation.

You are not a spouse, a parent, or a child in isolation.

How you approach charting and colleagues and career struggles and transitions are all interrelated.

Health and happiness include these and your home life and home relationships all working well also.

Thus the marinade.

Bring all the modalities and apply them to your whole life.

Mindfulness trains your nervous system to be calmer in every aspect of your life.

Yoga is about how you move through your life on and off the mat.

Mindful coaching helps you live intentionally in every realm.

Retreats are a full immersion experience in and of themselves,

but they are also very much about what happens afterward when you reintegrate back into your life and your relationships.

What if you switched out of piecemeal bandaid mode and instead gave yourself the gift of full immersion?

What might happen?


“It’s Not the Weight You Carry But How You Choose to Carry It”


“Should” Is Expensive