“It’s Not the Weight You Carry But How You Choose to Carry It”


An eye-opening perspective.


Mindfulness and coaching help you carry “weight” well.

Weight comes in many forms - not just pounds.

Chronic pain, headaches, chronic illness, mental illness, an ill partner, sadness, grief, disappointment, loneliness, etc can all weigh you down.

Curiosity makes it feel lighter.

Love makes it lighter.

Peace makes it lighter.

Kindness makes it lighter.

Gratitude makes it lighter.

Awe makes it lighter.

Setting an intention is key.

How do you want to feel about the “heavy” thing?

If you want to feel lighter - choose thoughts that make you feel lighter.

Choosing to feel light is often not the answer.

Often other feelings are more possible. And effective.

Love, curiosity, gratitude, awe, peace, acceptance, kindness, and patience, are ones I have seen work.

And we are all unique.

What’s possible for you?


If you need help, know you are not alone.

It takes practice, tools, skills, and often a guide to learn how to make heavy things truly feel lighter.

In my experience, it is always possible you just may need a little help.

Reach out if this is you.


What does it mean to nourish yourself WELL?


True Transformation Doesn’t Happen Piecemeal