What does it mean to nourish yourself WELL?

I often have epiphanies while flying in planes. On my way to Austin yesterday, I realized I am a nourishment coach.

I help people learn to nourish themselves (and others) WELL.

I help people create and live “well-nourished” lives. In all aspects.

I have never wanted to be a specific kind of coach- weight loss, career, burnout, health and wellness, parent, transition, marriage, business, money… In my lived experience as a doctor, coach, wellness leader, mom, daughter, wife, yoga teacher, and …. all of these areas are interconnected, interrelated, and inseparable in a well-lived life.

And they ALL require intentional and mindful “nourishment.”

So what does it mean to nourish yourself WELL?

Nourishment goes well beyond food.

Most of us compensate for gaps in nourishment in most areas of our lives with food -- thus the obesity epidemic.

Or we try to find “nourishment” from screens, substances, or other actual vacations from unnourishing lives. Thus the addiction, mental and physical health crises we face.

Nourishing ourselves WELL - in all parts- is what keeps us well.

It is a whole life - everyday - endeavor.


- to provide food and other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

- to cherish, to cultivate, to tend, to sustain

- to nurture, to support, to supply

Living your “one wild and precious life” WELL is about nourishing your mind, body, soul, and spirit fully.

Mindful coaching helps you see what you are truly hungry for.

And it helps you make the changes needed to address that hunger in your life and relationships.

Retreats offer a chance for full mind, body, soul, spirit, heart, lungs, nervous system, and belly nourishment.

When we are fully nourished is where the hard-to-find solutions become clear.

Join me for coaching or a retreat to create and start living your own well-nourished life.

There is no best or right time or way to start.

What’s important is to start.

Start with whatever you can make work for you right now.

Once you get started, the rest will follow.


Honor the Human in You


“It’s Not the Weight You Carry But How You Choose to Carry It”