Sh*tstorms & Avalanches
Is this how you describe your days and shifts?
Words matter.
What if you chose words with a different tone and energy to describe a busy day?
Could you acknowledge how hard you work and not make it harder by stepping into victimhood and overwhelm with your words?
Sh*tstorms and avalanches take a lot of energy to change.
Describing your day as tiring or depleting is also usually accurate.
These words are solutions-focused. They lead you to ask questions such as
What can you do to manage your energy better?
What energizes you?
How can you add even a little bit more of the energizing things back into your day?
Feeling depleted and tired is different than being buried under an avalanche. It’s much less defeating than a sh*tstorm.
Being tired makes rest, restorative practices, kindness, and compassion a healthy and essential response.
What words are using to describe your days and your life that are making hard things harder?