Stop practicing being stressed and anxious

When we practice being stressed and anxious --even if inadvertently, this is our life experience. When we see ourselves struggling, we experience struggle.

When we hold onto stories that don't serve us and describe our lives as hard, they are hard.

I often get asked how I became such a model of calm and presence. I wasn't always like this. Ask my kids.

"What you practice grows."

Feeling calm and present isn't about working hard, being persistent, or "pushing through" to get everything done and organized.

It is about changing your outlook.

Shifting your perspective.

Pausing. Breathing.

Allowing and Being.

It takes intention and choosing what you want to grow.

I didn't learn it overnight. I started with one deep breath during what was a trying time in my life.

One day at a time, with practice, I became calm, grounded, and much happier and healthier.

Finding calm and presence feels amazing.

It is possible for you.

No matter your current circumstances.

No matter the current hard.

When you change yourself everything changes.

Give yourself the gift of presence.

Calm, grounded, present, and content doesn't just happen when the circumstances are right. They happen when you take action and engage in the work.

*stop waiting for one day. Let today be day one by signing up for coaching.


Mindset is the most underrated life tool


“Of course” someone doesn’t like you