Sweet Anticipation

This morning I am enjoying “the sweet anticipation” of becoming a grandmother.

The idea of “sweet anticipation” was offered to me by Hope from Sagrada yesterday. Those who know Hope know she is wise beyond this world.

Sweet anticipation is amazing.

It is exactly how I want to feel.

It is so much better than being “patient” or waiting or worrying.

Sweet anticipation brings gratitude, wonder, curiosity, love, beauty, and presence to THIS life moment. The moment just before.

All these feel good and are scientifically good for you.

They are good for mood, telomeres, connection, relationships, and stress.

They all help to optimize your overall health and longevity.

“Sweet anticipation” is an intentional way of practicing presence.

Presence in this moment.

In mindfulness we call it, choosing an attitude.

Choosing how you want to experience this moment before.

Research shows that presence is what makes us happy.

Being present with sweet anticipation - it is a whole new level.


Cultivate Calm


The Grandmother I Want to Be