The Capacity to Have

My neighbor brought me a bouquet incredible pink peonies last night.

I am thinking I am “lucky.” What did I do to deserve this. I don’t deserve it. She is a beautiful human. What can I do for her?

How many of you go to these thoughts?

I am newly realizing that being able to just enjoy these flowers and experience them and own the gift of these flowers is what would bring the most beauty and bounty to the world.

How many of you also have a hard time accepting and owning gifts and especially praise and compliments?

What comes up for you?

As my husband says coaching is about helping people have epiphanies.

Being able to grow “my capacity to have” and accept beauty, love, and abundance as a way to bring even more beauty love and abundance into the world is an epiphany for me this morning.

I am inspired to delve into this more... in a bit.

For now I am just going to be and enjoy and experience these flowers.


The Art of Receiving


The Should's