The Should's

So many of us have the "shoulds" when it comes to people we love.

We have ideas of how our moms, husbands and children "should" behave. How they should show love. What they should do if they care, loved us.

What would happen if you let go of your "shoulds" and let them be exactly who they are.

For most of my life my "shoulds" very often led me to feel unhappy, resentful, irritable and to miss otherwise delightful moments.

Now, I have learned to notice them. Awareness allows me (and you) change them and pivot in the moment.

Tonight is my almost 24 year olds last night living at home before he moves out. I had an idea of how the evening and the day today "should" go. Of course, that is not the reality.

I know not to fight reality. I lose 100% of the time.

What I am working on perfecting is letting go of the "shoulds" completely. In the back of my mind they still lurk...

But now I have the tools to see them early and in the moment choose to course correct.

Noticing the unconscious "shoulds" and then choosing to let them go has made my life and all my relationships SO much better.

Whether with my mom, my dad, my brothers, my husband, or any of my 3 boys.

What "shoulds" do you have?

What amazingness and freedom could happen if you let them go and enjoyed your loved ones as they authentically are?

Join me in this journey. It is awesome.

And when those babies turn into adults you can have beautiful clean relationships filled with love, joy, and connection.


The Capacity to Have


Being Grounded and Feeling More Grounded