Being Grounded and Feeling More Grounded

Shelter in Place feels like “being grounded.”
It is also helping many of us feel more grounded.

Just like much of life. Both can be true.
You don’t have to resist the duality. They can both be true.
You can not like your toddler, your teen or spouse's behavior and feel compassion and love for them at the same time.

Even as there is a virus and illness out there and we can no longer hug and connect in the same ways.
The earth is stable beneath our feet.
The seasons are changing.
There is beauty all around.
And clarity about what is important is bubbling to the surface for many of us.

In this moment you can choose to focus on finding your ground.
You can work to clear out the mind chatter and the noise.
You can see and choose create something more beautiful for yourself, those you love, and the world around you.

Or you can focus on “being grounded” and be frustrated and irritated.

This is true for for the Covid situation, your relationships with your spouse your kids and your mom, your work and your health.


The Should's


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