The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

The grass is not necessarily greener over there. Even if your brain tells you it is.

The grass will also not necessarily be greener in a different job or in a different life.

Or with a different partner,

or when your partner behaves differently, loves differently, parents differently, has different expectations, or handles money differently.

The grass is not necessarily greener when your kids get older, or you move, or you….

The grass is greener where you water it.

When I shared this thought was a key mind-blown realization at last weekend’s TPMG retreat.

What does watering the grass look like ?

Being mindful

Pausing and being present

Noticing and being aware

Focusing your attention with intention

Looking for what works and what is going well

Watering your grass looks like acceptance and acknowledgment life as it is.

It looks like allowing imperfection and humanity

It looks like opting out of catastrophizing, resisting reality, negativity bias, people pleasing and perfectionism.

It looks like choosing with intention how you want to show up and proceed

It looks like showing up with grace and compassion for yourself and for others, telling good stories, and asking good questions.

  • What would love do?

  • What would compassion do?

  • What would peace do?

  • What would connection do?

  • What would a thriving well-watered lawn do?

Water your grass. And water it well.

If after you water it, you want to make a change. That is the time.

And if you need help, learning these tools, reach out.


They Are Not Who You Hoped They Would Be


Notice When People Show You Love