They Are Not Who You Hoped They Would Be


We hope, and often expect that others will act the way we think they should.

We hope that a job opportunity will be amazing and a great fit.

We hope that a new boyfriend or relationship or colleague will be what we want them to be.

And then they are very often not.

We end up feeling disappointed, heart-broken, frustrated, and/or angry.

We then decide we made a mistake, we were wrong, and/or that we can’t trust ourselves.

We practice self doubt and choose to think thoughts that make the situation worse.

What if it was simply that that person, job or situation was not what we hoped they would be.

We can be disappointed and choose not to judge them or ourselves.

We can be disappointed without needing to put them or ourselves down.

Thinking that they are not who we hoped they would be allows you to opt out of resistance and instead grow calm, peace, and self-trust.

Who doesn’t want more of that?


There is No There There


The Grass is Greener Where You Water It