The How of Change


Everyone wants to know the how of change.

“I see the problem and my unhelpful habits and thought patterns, but how do I change?”

The first step is seeing, noticing, and becoming aware of your patterns of thinking.

You can’t change what you aren’t even aware of.

But then what?

Compassion and mindfulness.


Turning off fight or flight.

Turning off cortisol and norepinephrine.

Stepping out of internal shame, blame, guilt, self-doubt, and judgment.

Only then you can get to implementing and integrating the strategies and tools for changing your thinking.

Without this key middle step of calm, compassion, groundedness, and trust, change becomes a willpower game. A mind struggle.

We always run out of willpower. It is a limited resource and emotionally expensive.

Calm is not a limited resource and it is not emotionally expensive.

Calm is a superpower.

Calm energizing.

Calm is patient, trusting, and relaxed.

Calm is a safe space and the optimal milieu for evolution, change, and transformation.

It’s why I offer “mindful” coaching.

It’s why I offer yoga and mindfulness as an integral part of all my coaching retreats and small groups

Yoga is not actually just to start your day off right or for morning stretching and exercise.

The yoga and golden light mediations at Sagrada, Pie Ranch, and Green Gulch don’t just feel amazing, they are strategic.

Learning a plethora of options to calm your nervous system is intentional and deliberate.

And is very often the key missing ingredient when you have struggled to make a change.


Grace and Compassion


The problem is my….