The Magnolias Are In Bloom Again

I had a beautiful magnolia tree in my front yard as a child.

Appreciating when they bloom every year- is a tradition for me.

It is a mindful, grounding exercise where I notice the seasons.

It reminds me to notice the things I can rely on.

And the magic and consistency of nature.

Beautiful and blooming in January.

Unexpected, vibrant, and awe-inspiring

Despite the rain,

and leafless branches.

How can we each bloom in the midst of winter?

In the midst of Covid?

In the midst of whatever chaos may be showing up in our lives?

What else is unexpectedly “blooming” right now?

What else is reliably grounding and reliably beautiful, reliably “good”?

I encourage you to take a moment to notice, appreciate, soak in those things and enjoy.


“Where can we find light in the never ending shade?”


Getting Out of the Cocoon is Tough