Getting Out of the Cocoon is Tough

Growth and transformation isn’t linear.

Getting out of the cocoon is tough.

Real challenges very often show up to help us grow and shift in important and necessary ways.

Covid, cancer, disabilities, deaths, children struggling, and so much more.

All were part of my work with clients this week.

Sometimes we breakdown under the weight, and rebuild from there.

Sometimes we choose to respond and transform with intention.

Either way,

we turn into something “new.”

Which can be a messy process.

Sometimes we fall.

Sometimes we dissolve.

Metamorphosis and coaching both work like this.

You let go of who you are- to become someone new- whether you dissolve in a cocoon or transform outside of one.

When you emerge-

It’s beautiful.

A spectacular butterfly.

Who flies with ease.

Humbled and honored to help others work through their own metamorphoses.

It’s magical, messy, exciting, and beautiful.

The fear of falling and failing is real.

It was part of my journey as well.

But the flying at the end is amazing.


The Magnolias Are In Bloom Again


“The head doesn’t hear until the heart has listened”