The Power of the Pause

“The pause between a stimulus and your response is where your power lies.”

Mindfulness and Yoga are ways of learning to pause and connect with the thoughts and feelings in your body without judgement.

Mindful coaching is also a way to learn and practice mindfulness.   A mindful coach teaches you to pause and see and become aware of the thoughts and stories in your head.  By noticing  how these thoughts make you feel and act, you get your control back. 

When our kids behave in a certain way we tell ourselves a story about why.  “They aren’t well behaved,” “I am a bad mom,”  “They should be able to ….”  Then we react to how these thoughts and stories make us feel. 

When our husband, colleague, a patient, or someone in line ahead of us at the store behaves in a certain way, we do the same thing.

Seeing what is going on in your mind is what mindful coaching is all about.  When you are aware of it you get to choose to continue to think it or change your thoughts to something that serves you better.  

This choice is what changes the experience of your life.  

Be the change you want to see. 


We are all on different paths at different times towards different dreams


Being Brave