The solution to fear and frustration

Is curiosity.

Curiosity is a form of mindfulness.

Curiosity is key to openness and is a path through stuckness.

Curiosity helps you grow kindness and compassion.

Curiosity unsticks that spot behind your heart.

It allows the heart to fill more fully in diastole.

Curiosity can be playful and fun.

The mom and pediatrician in me like to point out that curiosity invites you to be "child-like" and ask "Why?"

Curiosity can be an exploration -- of yourself, others, and the world.

Curiosity is powerful and friendly.

Curiosity is soft and willing to see and take in life from a place of interest and learning without judgment.

You don't have to fix anything with curiosity.

You can just look and notice.

How could you bring mindful curiosity into your day and the week ahead?

When you are afraid and/or frustrated, try showing up with curiosity.

What might change?

I would love to hear what happens.


Handling Different Opinions with Grace


Beyond the Oxygen Mask