To Help People Like Me

Why did I create Pause and Presence 9 months ago?

To help people like me.

People who were successful on the surface yet struggling underneath.

This likely describes most of you.

Struggling with your marriages and other relationships.

Feeling overwhelmed by physical and emotional clutter.

Feeling stagnant in your career.

Wondering why it isn’t how you thought it would be.

Wanting more and different.

Unsure of your path forward.

Mindful coaching is magic.

“Doctoring in a different way.”

Helping the whole you.

Upleveling your whole life.

And all your relationships.

Creating endless positive ripple effects.

“Opening your mind.”

“Turning on a lightbulb.”

Mindful coaching helps you let go of the unnecessary struggle.

Stop “feeling dis-ease.”

Find peace.

Come alive.

This is possible for you.

The events and circumstances of life are 50/50.

For some, it is enlightening and reassuring that they aren’t doing something wrong when things aren’t perfect and they aren’t as happy as they think they “should” be.

For others, 50/50 is a depressing concept. A sad way to see the world.

No matter which way you feel, coaching offers the choice to choose how you experience the circumstances and events of life. That is the gift.

Why not learn to struggle less?

Let go of the drama.

Decide things are “mostly good,”

And start to enjoy what is.

Even during the rough patches.

When you do this it’s all much better- covid, medicine, marriages, teenagers, your mother, the past…

“It’s a whole new world…” after coaching.

“Everything is manageable.”

“Stress is almost nonexistent”

You can feel “spa-like.”

“No longer helpless but empowered.”

Partnered with your spouse again.

“With clear priorities.”

Feeling confident and centered.

You can “find joy in small moments.”

“Calm in the midst of chaos”

So much more has happened for so many more through Pause and Presence in the year.

Grateful to have been able to help so many on their journeys to a life better lived.

The work is energizing.

Seeing the ripple effects is fun.

It’s not just fun for me.

It’s liberating and fun for you.

A gift. For you and those you love.

Things are looking like they may be getting bumpy again.

Holidays, Covid, and ….

If you want to start to

Declutter your mind

Find calm

Connect better with those you love

Start living your “one wild and precious life” now

Reach out. Set up a time to chat.

What are you waiting for?


Find The Wonder


A Crazy Thing