We Can Do Better Tomorrow

Out of the mouths of someone else's beautiful children at bedtime. As a mom of 3 and pediatrician, I learn a lot from children. They are wise and full of inspiration and guiding light.

As we struggle through this time, there are so many emotions swirling. I am using my coaching tenets, and mindset work to organize the overwhelm, pare down the emotions, find centeredness within, and see possibilities and a path forward.

A path forward to a better tomorrow.

The path is not straight nor without mountains and thunderstorms. They are always there. Moving through the "ick" is part of the journey. And as you move through it, focusing on the guiding light ahead helps you navigate. A better tomorrow.

How would you feel if tomorrow were better?

I would feel hope. So why not chose to feel hope now?

And while I know our current life situations will require more than hope to solve. Hope allows me to be in a space to help create and be part of the solution.


Eloquence Escapes Me


Love, Breath, and Mindfulness