Eloquence Escapes Me

Exhaustion. Struggle. Sadness. Hurt. Shame. Grief. Anger. Uncertainty.

Lack of breath. Illness. Death.

So much.

Hope. Love. Connection. Community. Breath. Healing. Kindness. Compassion.

Humanity. Listening. Learning. Seeing. Growing. Acting.

Eloquence escapes me.

All of this (and more) are part of this moment for me. Your words may be different.

I am trying to ask, how is this happening for us to create a better tomorrow and a better future?

Is all the “brokenness” in this moment perhaps what was needed ?

Of course, I wish it wasn’t.

I often look to yoga, coaching, and mindfulness when I am struggling.

As I aspire to teach and help others to do —when choosing how they want to live their lives— I am trying to:

Pause and be present


Notice. See. Listen. Look inside.

And then, find a way to use my mind and my heart to choose an authentic and intentional path forward.

It doesn’t have to be the perfect path just one inspired by love, hope, and dreams of what is possible.


What You Do Makes a Difference


We Can Do Better Tomorrow