What You Do Makes a Difference

"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

-- Jane Goodall

This was a driving force behind why I became a coach--

To help people look inside and clarify what kind of a difference they want to make in the world.

How we live each day matters--- not just to our own fulfillment, but also to those we share our homes, our communities, and this earth with. As well as to the earth itself.

We need to start living with more mindful intention. 2020 has made this clear.

Sometimes it is clear which way you want to go #blacklivesmatter, #whitecoatsforblacklives, #love, #hope

Sometimes it is tangled. Relationships with loved ones, career paths, stuff.

Sometimes it is both clear and tangled. Often even when you know where you want to go, the path is roundabout and laden with obstacles, confusion, and emotion.

In coaching we say "the obstacle is the way."

Taking the time to be pause and be present and notice and connect with how you want to feel and the impact you want to make is powerful work. It is often messy.

It is possible to travel this journey on your own, but with help it is much more easeful and the rewards much greater. All coaches work with coaches for exactly this reason.

We don't see what we don't see.

We don't know what we don't know.

We don't hear what we don't hear.

A guide helps you see, know, and hear-- even and especially when- the answers are within you. We are better together.

Choose to live with mindful intention.

If you want or need a guide to light your way, message me.


Paying Attention to Questions


Eloquence Escapes Me