What Does Your Soul Crave?

I get asked often how I got where I am today. How did I get the courage to make a change?

I got several emails from women I met at Brave Enough this weekend asking me these questions.

Things I was reminded of this weekend that worked for me (and I expect will work for you too).

I asked myself what my soul craved.

I chose myself.

I believed in myself.

I stopped fighting what was trying to be undone.

I stopped fighting to hold together systems that weren’t working.


I became willing to have people to be wrong about me.

I focused on post-traumatic growth - emerging evolved rather than traumatized.


I untrained my brain.

I calmed my overstimulated nervous system.

I healed my heart.


I stopped buffering to feel better in the short term so I could feel better in the long-term.

I expanded my thinking.

I stopped doing more and instead did different.

I let love, and thus me, win.


Ask Yourself Good Questions


What could happen if you chose to live instead of worry?