What if external feedback were for information only?


“Be the first person to clap for yourself and the last.” - Alex Toussiant

My grandson is at that wonderful age where he loves it when people clap for him.

As adults we also do this. We look for others to “clap for us in life” to validate that we did enough or a “good job.” The clapping just looks different and is usually less joyous.

What if external feedback were for information only?

What if we chose to clap for ourselves?

That is the next phase my grandson will enter.

And then somewhere along the way we “outgrow it.”

But we don’t need to.

We can choose to remain our biggest fan.

We can choose to have your back no matter what.

We can choose to celebrate ourselves and our accomplishments like a delighted toddler does – no matter what.

Trust comes easier when we do

As does fulfillment.


“Invitations” Instead of “Challenges”


Complicated Dynamics