What is Coaching?

I had to explain to a group of physicians this week what coaching is. Collective thoughts from many professional coaches turned out a little like poetry….

Coaching is a tool to help you struggle less.

It is a happiness tool and a performance tool.

A coach helps you thrive when you are well. 

If you have a goal, a coach can help.

Coaching is a tool to give you back control and help you change your life experience.

A coach is a guide.

A coach helps remind you of who you are.  

A coach helps you see your own mind.

A coach helps you live a more intentional life.

A coach helps you be the best version of yourself and see possibilities.

A coach helps you change your narrative and tell a more useful story.

A coach is for anyone.  

Life is a journey.  A coach walks alongside you and helps you navigate. 

A coach helps you find your own compass.

A coach is an athletic trainer but for your mind.  

A trained mind helps you feel better and live the life you want to be living.


May We All Be Well


A Mindful Mask