What Would Peace Do?

Another useful question.

Setting an intention and acting from a place of peace is not giving up or capitulating.

It’s choosing to move forward, get unstuck, and feel better when you can’t fix things,

Sometimes there is nothing to fix and other times we are trying to fix things that aren’t ours to fix.

Wanting to help others change to be healthier in body and mind - when they aren’t ready to change - is not helpful.

Frustration is a valid emotion but not the most helpful one.

Noticing, acceptance, a beginner’s mind, nonjudgment, and intention are helpful strategies.

When we want someone else to do something differently we usually also need to be doing something differently.

When we think someone else should move on we usually could benefit from moving on also.

When we want someone to see our point of view we need to truly see theirs.

When we want peace, we need to show up with peace.

“Be the change you want to see.”

Shift and offer space.

Show up connecting and peacefully- as if you have all the time in the world.

Show up with love.

In your mind and with your actions.

In the space, you create by showing up with peace instead of trying to fix—- things often fix themselves. Or you will notice that nothing actually needs “fixing.”


Becoming a physician is hard. Being one is even harder.


What Would a Tree Do?