What Would a Tree Do?

An unusual yet super useful question.

Asking “What would a tree do” creates space and lightness, and invites curiosity.

It helps you show up grounded, rooted, stable, and strong.

Trees dance in the breeze.

They evolve, grow, and change.

They are alive and strong.

Trees are beautiful, graceful, and elegant.

Trees adapt to the seasons.

Trees weather almost all storms “well.”

They don’t always look the same after the storm, but they are beautiful in new ways.

What if you intentionally showed up more like a tree?

For a challenging meeting, someone who triggers you, somewhere you feel like you need boundaries.

When we stand in tree pose in yoga. We connect with what being a tree feels like. We focus on our inner strength and wisdom to balance. We feel rooted and stable and often even graceful as we wobble and blow in the breeze.

We channel the natural energy and elegance of a tree we show up differently. When we show up differently, everything around us shifts. Almost always for the better.

If you want to learn tools like this, specifically tailored to you, your mind, and your relationships and situations, reach out. Coaching is fun, light-hearted, and life-changing.


What Would Peace Do?


Be More You